Monday, October 21, 2013

Mural Project Preview

1. A theme that I would do that can tell an unique story about Akins would be " After the Bell". This would be about what school clubs are after school like Akins Cares, Latinos Unidos, Key Club, Animate Club ect.
2. I think this would be a theme that is worth spending time on because that way other students could see what goes on after school and maybe they would going a club.
3. Advantages of using a phone would be that you don't have to carry anything that is heavy to carry and a disadvantage would be phone wouldn't take good pictures like the camera would.
4 . Pictures would come out better, you can focused and use different scenes to take pictures, disadvantage would be that you can't always have a SLR camera.
5. I think we should use SLR cameras because we can do more things with them.

Africa White & Black

I really like many of the photos of Nick Brandt, but this was my favorite. Its only one object, an elephant that is standing right in the middle of the photo, it looks as if the elephant was looking straight in the camera, and I really liked the values it shows. What captured my attention was  the beauty and simplicity, its very balance. 
  • What Nicked use to take this pictures was a  Pentax 6711 camera with only two fixed lenses.
  • Brandt's reason for taking photos is the love that he hastowards animals and the love for the land of East Africa. He was frustrated because he couldn't show his feeling about animals in film, so he went into photography in oder to achieve what he wanted.
  • The hope he has of taking this pictures is being to record a last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are destroyed by the hands of man.
  • "I'm not interested in creating work that is simply documentary or filled with action and drama, which has been the norm in the photography of animals in the wild" - quote by Nick Brandt.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Academic Shoot Reflection

  1. Some of the challenges I encounter with while taking pictures was trying to get people to stay in one position.
  2. I was having a hard time finding something with lines and balance, also before going in the classrooms I was making sure I was holding the camera correctly.
  3. If I could do the assignment again I would try getting less people to represent the rules, do better examples of framing and balance. 
  4. The things I would do the same would be the angle positions.
  5. The easiest rules I could do are simplicity and mergers.
  6. The hardest rule to capture for me would be balance and lines.
  7. I wasn't sure of what balance meant, but now that I look at the definition again and looked at examples I think that I got it now. 

Academics School


1. I believe that I did very good following the rule.
2. The student in black shirt.
3. Yes, he is the only object in my photo.
4. To improve I could get a better angle on my object.


1. I think that I could do better at this rule. 
2. The girl in white shirt.
3. Yes its clear.
4. To improve on my next shoot I could take the picture of an object facing the camera.


1. I think its good, but not the best.
2.The lines behind the girl.
3. Yes Its clear.
4.To improve I could make it more clear on what the lines are pointing at.

Rule of Thirds

1. It's ok I did follow the rule.
2. My object is the student with blue shirt.
3. Yes.
4.  I think for the next time I'm doing this rule I can get a different angle and  be more specific on my object.

Avoiding Mergers

1. I did a good job following the rule
2. My specific object is the girl who is half cut off the picture
4. There is not really an improvement for mergers


1. I did good but it could of been better.
2. My object is the girl with short brown hair.
3. Not really.
4. I think I could of gotten something else of the right side of her to do the full frame, and algo be more specific on what my object is.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Academics Shoot Preview

The story
In this photo I can see a story of two classmates been silly with their teacher.

                                                           Action & Emotion
In this photo an action is been taken by a group of  young girls giving out food to needed people, the emotion can be seen in the faces of the adults.
Filling the Frame
There is many things happening in the photograph. You can see the water capture in mid air before falling to the table and the amazed face expressions of the two girls.

This is my favorite photo, and the reason I chose it is because I really like the colors in it, red, yellow, black, gray. It simply looks like they are having fun. The rules of photography shown in here are, Rule of Thirds, nothing is placed exactly in the middle of the photo. Also Line, the hands of the three guys, they can be seen as lines pointing in the direction of the fire.

1. I think that I could go take pictures in the Art classrooms, they do a lot of things with colors, still life, and other cool things that can be photograph.
2. I would like to go to Ms. Medinas's painting class, she has very interesting things in her classroom, algo I would like to go into a language class like french or spanish.
3. To get really good pictures like the ones I saw, I would be taking pictures at different angles and positions.