Thursday, October 9, 2014

Still Life Preview

1. In a still life painting we often see flowers, fruit, or bases.

2. Some factors a photographer must consider when shooting still life photography are lighting, background, the placement of the objects.

3. Aperture Priority is helpful because it will automatically produce the correct exposure, it will help concentrate on focusing and depth of field. 

4.It will increase the exposure time.


2. I could do stock photography of make-up, food or arrangements of school or office supplies.

3. For make-up, maybe magazines like 17 magazine, people who make calendars or anyone that would want to promote school or office related things.

4. It allows the photographer to experiment with lighting and arrangement of things. I also shows the photographers creativity of making something simple to interesting and unique.

1. I could use flower pots, books, make up, and food to shoot a still life.
2. Depending on the objects I use, then it would be different.It could feel like a pause in time, holding time and admiring what's in the picture.
3.I think that for flower bases and food, I should use a plain backdrop. The color of it would probably be black, white or a deep red or green. For the books and makeup I think it can by anything like a table, or a background with other subjects around but that don't distract the main object.

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